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North Kitsap Little League

Welcome to North Kitsap Little League!


If you have any questions please contact our NKLL Umpire in Chief at [email protected]



Sometimes, just before a game starts, you may hear that statement. Once in a while, a scheduled umpire can't make it due to traffic, missed ferry, or some scheduling mishap. Usually, especially at the AAA levels, it's because we don't have enough volunteers willing to do this job.

Many people think they are not "qualified" right off from the start, and for some of the upper levels of play - acting as a single umpire for a game - they are correct.  But anyone, with a little bit of training, can do this job at any level - AA through Majors.

The fact is that there is no game without somebody agreeing to act in the role of umpire to call balls, strikes, safe, out. Often, the coaches have to do it from the mound, but they already have enough on their plate managing the game for our kids.

                                                  And most importantly without an umpire, there is not game.


Umpires are the sole representatives on Little League on the field.  In addition to applying the rules in a fair and unbiased fashion, the umpire is responsible for:

  • Starting and ending the game
  • The safety of the players
  • Ensuring the timely progression of the game


In addition to being great fun, and umpire is

  • The only authorized party on the field, other than the players and coaches, during a game.
  • In responsible for helping ensure a safe and fair game.
  • Has the best view in the house.
  • Although we do not pay our umpires, NKLL feeds our umpires!  Working umpires are entitled to food and a drink from our concession stand when working.


Our umpire crew is a combination of experienced and new umpires.  There are various way to learn to become an umpire.  

  • Team up with an experienced umpire.
  • Read the rules -- contact the UIC for a copy of the Little League Rule Book and an Umpire Guide.  There are also various on-line umpire resources (visit 
  • Attending a training session:   
    • District 2 hosts a day long Spring Umpire Training Clinic the first Saturday in March at Olympic College. 
    • NKLL holds periodic local training classes based on demand.
  • Contact the UIC for more information.


Umpire scheduling is flexible.  Umpires select games in advance through the UMPIRE SCHEDULING CALENDAR.  Ideally NKLL likes to have both a plate and at least one base umpire.

Majors and AAA games require an umpire for the game to be played.  It’s preferred that AA games have an umpire.   


NKLL provides umpires with basic protective equipment for game day use: mask, chest protectors, shin guards, jerseys and cap.

Umpires generally wear grey or dark pants, black belt, black shoes (not cleats) and black socks in addition to the safety gear….and like the ball players themselves, umpires should also wear personal protective gear.

Many umpires purchase some of their own equipment.  We understand the costs associated with that. Our Board of Directors has come up with "Umpire Bucks" reward program.

Contact Us

North Kitsap Little League

22898 Viking Way NW 
Poulsbo, Washington 98370

Email: [email protected]

North Kitsap Little League

22898 Viking Way NW 
Poulsbo, Washington 98370

Email: [email protected]
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