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North Kitsap Little League

Welcome to North Kitsap Little League!

About All-Stars

Children participating in the AAA, Majors, Intermediate, Junior or Senior Divisions are eligible to participate in the Little League All-Star Tournaments.  Our All-Star teams will be formed up in early June, and practices will start immediately at the conclusion of the regular season. If you haven't experienced them before, the Little League All-Star Tournaments are a great opportunity for these kids to experience high-level competition and represent our league and community at the District level - and possibly at the State, Regional, or even World Series!  Additional information on All-Stars can be found on the Little League website by clicking here.   Our local tournament dates, locations, and participation requirements can be found below.

Click Here to go to the 2023 All-Stars Registration Page

All-Star Paperwork Needs

There is quite a bit of crucial, required paperwork to prepare for All Stars. The sooner we have it, the better. Any player who does not have their paperwork completed and turned in will not be able to participate.

Description of paperwork requirements:

  • NKLL Medical Release. A medical release form for the team manager to keep.  This is very similar to the medical release we ask parents to turn in during the regular season and All-Stars.
  • NKLL Parent Code of Conduct. This is the parents guide and commitment of support.
  • NKLL All-Star Contract. This outlines our expectations for you and your child.
  • If you haven't turned it in during previous all-star seasons, please bring your child's ORIGINAL  birth certificate.  We will have to keep it until the District Administrator signs off on it, and then it will be returned to you.
  • Little League International requires all new players to verify their place of residency to demonstrate you're playing in the correct league. If you haven't played All-Stars previously, you will also need to establish proof-of-residence within our boundaries in one of two ways: 
    1. NKLL School Enrollment. The fastest and easiest way to accomplish this is to have your child's school complete a School Enrollment Form. Your child can take this form to the school and have them fill it out to send home with them, or you can go to the school with the form.
    2. NKLL Tournament Player Verification Form. If you do choose to establish residency via your home address, please know that the residency paperwork can be tricky - everyone tends to bring paperwork with current date ranges.  Little League requires the paperwork must be dated from FEBRUARY 1, 2021 - FEBRUARY 1,2022.   Listed below are the categories for which you will need to provide to prove that your child has lived in the NKLL boundaries for the current year.  You need to provide ONE proof from each category as proof of residency.  Again, you need to do this only if you choose to use your home address to establish residency; the groups below are NOT required if you use the School Enrollment Form.

      Driver's License
      School records
      Vehicle Records (i.e., registration, lease, etc.)
      Employment records
      Insurance Documents


      Welfare/child records
      Federal records (Federal tax, Social Security, etc.)
      State Records
      Local (municipal) records
      Support payment records
      Homeowner or tenant records
      Military records

      Voter's Registration
      Utility bills (i.e., gas, electric, water/sewer, phone, cell phone, heating, waste disposal)
      Financial records (i.e. loan, credit, investments, etc.)
      Medical records
      Internet, cable or satellite records

If you have any questions, please contact us:

For Baseball (Intermediate, Junior and Senior) e-mail Heather Boyd at [email protected]
For Baseball (8-10, 9-11 and Majors) e-mail Harlow Wood at [email protected] or Pat Gilbert at [email protected]

For Softball, e-mail Cassidy Conners at [email protected]

Contact Us

North Kitsap Little League

22898 Viking Way NW 
Poulsbo, Washington 98370

Email: [email protected]

North Kitsap Little League

22898 Viking Way NW 
Poulsbo, Washington 98370

Email: [email protected]
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